Monday, 26 January 2015

MK44 White Knight

The Snake Eye has been put on hold until I have gathered the motivation to build it a vignette... so I started building this new thing. The MK44 White Knight a collab of sorts between Ma.K and Battle Robot V... google will teach you more.

A Hasegawa kit, which means this thing just builds itself. It's got a lot of options and features in terms of posing and detail. You can leave the suite open or just the hatch and you can (with a little added detailing) even leave most of the engine exposed.

I'm still building it so I haven't decided on most of these options yet.

So far the build is almost done and the cockpit is neigh on complete as far as paint.

One thing about this model that I don't like is the weaponry... to be honest it's kind of a pet peeve of mine about the quite a few Ma.K. models. The weaponry doesn't seem to be related to the size of the machine. In the suits it's not too bad, but in most of the bigger machines (Krote, Gans) the weaponry seem way to light to justify such a big machine carrying it around.

Anyway I think this guy need a better and less clumsy gun... or laser canon thing (it's a space faring unit). I'll probably sacrifice his left arm for it.

Here are some process shot... excuse the quality, they were shot with my phone.

 Added some decals and a simple wash to the cockpit.

Friday, 9 January 2015

Snake Eye chipping and first stain

So here's another quick update.

After some deliberation amongst the members of the newly form modelling club I'm part of I decided to repaint the cockpit.
The way it was it lacked a certain 'pop'.
I repainted the metal parts a 'cockpit' green and gave the cushioned parts a more modern rubber look instead of the traditional leather. Added a small decal (hardly visible... oh well)

Now the cockpit has a more interesting contrast with the exterior.

After that I added some paint chips. Painted this time again. Sometimes I actually scratch the pain off, but with that wimpy Vallejo primer under there I didn't want to risk it... about Vallejo, I sent them an email to ask what I was doing wrong (all over the interwebs there's people talking about it's durability but it just falls of the plastic when I use it). I'm going to properly test it out in a later post.

Anyway chips painted on by hand. Then a coat of gloss varnish and the first thin sludge wash... The guy whi expained this technique to me (who is himself a master at it) calls it a stain... so I think I'll start calling it that too. Symantics.

Anyhow have a gander.


ps: pics taken with my phone; lazy.

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Snake Eye Decals

The decals are on. I had to source most them from other kit's decal sheet as most of the Snake Eye ones are a dark grey... useless on this red one (especially after I'm done putting the washes on).

It's very shiny from the gloss varnish I put on for the decals to stick better (less chance of silvering) and to help the oil washes (next up) to flow into the various nooks and crannies.

That's all for now.

Friday, 2 January 2015

Snake Eye Base Paints Done

This is this is the base paints done.

I added a last layer of lighter orange reds and some white banding.

Usually you don't see this strong banding on the Mercenary machines but I'll be using decals from Strahl kits. So the back story is that this is a captured Mercenary machine, repainted and deployed in some Mars sabotage mission... hey it's called styrene DREAMS for a reason.

Anyway, I added white banding and next up will be the decals (really this time).